I am a researcher specialised in listening and sonic practices, a composer, and cultural organiser.
I work on listening and its relationships to technology and society.
As a researcher, I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie / Bienvenüe fellow at the Université Rennes-2, and a research fellow at the Cinémathèque de Bretagne. I work on a manual for the restoration of the sound of analogue amateur films.
As a cultural organiser, I work with several organisations in south Finistère (Du Vent dans les Ouïes, 4 Ass’ et plus, Institut Breton des Arts Sonores) and in Burgundy with my friends at Magna Vox. In the past, I worked with the Fondation Royaumont (for Voix Nouvelles), the European Creative Academy, and the Collège Contemporain.
Before moving to the UK for my PhD, I was the manager of Soundinitiative. Before that, I worked for the National Centre for Musical Creation Césaré. I was project manager of TISICA, a project gathering a hospital, three retirement houses, two electronic engineering laboratories, a dancer, an artist, and a musician, to develop a musical and gestural interface to help cognitive impaired people.
And some time before that, in the cultural activist side of my life, I worked with friends at Octarine Productions, in Dijon. We organised parties with Mr Oizo, Eric Pridz, Ed Rush, Congorock, Black Sun Empire, but also with Derek Holzer, Kenny Muhammad or Septic Flesh, among many others. We also carried out hundreds of hours of workshops in high schools (spoken word, human beat box, computer assisted music) and established a professional training centre in sound engineering.
You can access my full CV here.