Live improvisation recorded at Le lieu minuscule, Reims, France, 12 September 2018.
Video shot and edited by Jah Poney.
All images were shot around Vauville, Normandy, a very lovely village bursting with birds and insects (and giant pumpkins), albeit surrounded by the EPR nuclear reactor of Flamanville and the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant of La Hague.
Just as the end of the musical phrase gives birth to a new one, the end of our world introduces a new one.
So sein nun, Seele, deine
Und traue dem alleine,
Der Dich erschaffen hat;
Es gehe, wie es gehe,
Dein Vater in der Höhe
Weiß allen Sachen Rat.

Lina Zikra: Novation Mininova, Teenage Engineering OP-1.
Jean-Baptiste Masson: Vermona Retroverb Lancet, Mr Black Supermoon Chrome, Mooer Hustle Drive, Mooer Tender Octaver Pro, Mackie VLZ1604, portable radio receiver, field-recordings.
Antoine Lombart: EVP.